Apply today to CHCI’s R2L NextGen Program:

An all-expense paid summer leadership experience designed just for Latino high school students who dream of visiting our nation’s capitol, learning about how government works, and meeting key leaders in their community.
NEW Application Deadline:
Sunday, February 17, 2019 at 11:59pm EST.
Sunday, February 17, 2019 at 11:59pm EST.
R2L® NextGen is a week-long leadership and civic engagement program for current high school sophomores and juniors. CHCI will bring two groups of Latino students to Washington, D.C. to learn about how the Federal Government works, meet key leaders, visit historic sites, and develop a deeper understanding of how they can affect positive change in their communities and their nation.
We are currently accepting applications from students in 16 different regions. Check out which week of programming corresponds to your region here.
The program is completely FREE of chargeto all selected student participants.
This program is completely free of charge. Travel, lodging, meals, and activities will be covered through the support of State Farm® Founding Sponsor of the R2L NextGen Program, regional fundraising, and CHCI.
For more information about CHCI’s R2L NextGen program, please contact Eleazar Gutierrez at
For sponsorship opportunities please contact
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