by Web Admin | Jan 25, 2019 | Affiliate News
Nation’s Largest & Oldest Civil Rights Organization Says DACA Recipients And TPS Holders Deserve Action Now Too!
Washington, DC – – One day after his historic meeting in the White House, Domingo Garcia, National President for the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) says, the Administration’s decision to re-open the federal government is a step in the right direction and he urged President Trump to make sure federal workers get paid quickly and come back to their jobs as soon as possible.
“We told the Administration that playing political brinkmanship is a zero-sum game as we have just witnessed and it hurt millions of people including the workers, their families and everyone else affected by the longest government shutdown in our nation’s history,” says Domingo Garcia. “I am pleased President Trump heard LULAC but now it’s time for both parties to also resolve the uncertainty for DACA recipients and TPS holders by addressing the issue through serious bipartisan collaboration. Anything less than that is unacceptable,” he added.
Friday’s action allows Congress to quickly pass spending bills to reopen vital federal agencies as soon as President Trump signs the bills. However, the funding only authorizes operations for the next three weeks until February 15. Also, federal workers will receive checks for the 35 days they worked without paid or that they were furloughed.
“It is easy for both sides to claim victory now but the answers that matter isn’t about who was to blame or why,” says Garcia. “The answers we want to hear are to the questions who will have the courage to honor their commitment to the more than 800-thousand Dreamers and TPS holders and how quickly?”
Click here to download the Press Release in PDF format

by Web Admin | Jan 17, 2019 | News & Updates
Apply today to CHCI’s R2L NextGen Program:

An all-expense paid summer leadership experience designed just for Latino high school students who dream of visiting our nation’s capitol, learning about how government works, and meeting key leaders in their community.
NEW Application Deadline:
Sunday, February 17, 2019 at 11:59pm EST.
Sunday, February 17, 2019 at 11:59pm EST.
R2L® NextGen is a week-long leadership and civic engagement program for current high school sophomores and juniors. CHCI will bring two groups of Latino students to Washington, D.C. to learn about how the Federal Government works, meet key leaders, visit historic sites, and develop a deeper understanding of how they can affect positive change in their communities and their nation.
We are currently accepting applications from students in 16 different regions. Check out which week of programming corresponds to your region here.
The program is completely FREE of chargeto all selected student participants.

This program is completely free of charge. Travel, lodging, meals, and activities will be covered through the support of State Farm® Founding Sponsor of the R2L NextGen Program, regional fundraising, and CHCI.
For more information about CHCI’s R2L NextGen program, please contact Eleazar Gutierrez at
For sponsorship opportunities please contact
Visit us at

by Web Admin | Jan 10, 2019 | News & Updates
El Distrito Escolar Independiente de Fort Worth estará en Puerto Rico reclutando maestros bilingües talentosos y compasivos, dispuestos a ayudar a cada estudiante del Distrito a alcanzar el éxito. Estaremos entrevistando y contratando maestros para el próximo año escolar 2019-2020 en posiciones específicas, tales como maestros de escuela elemental bilingües, y de español a nivel de escuela media superior.
Enseñar en el Distrito Escolar de Fort Worth es más que una carrera; es un llamado. Si crees que tú futuro está en Fort Worth, Texas responde al llamado completando tu solicitud de empleo hoy. Únete al excepcional equipo de maestros que formar nuestros líderes del mañana.
Si resides en Puerto Rico y tienes una certificación de maestro del Departamento de Educación de Puerto Rico o algún estado de los Estados Unidos, te invitamos a completar la solicitud utilizando esta dirección de página web.
Las entrevistas se realizarán por invitación solamente – del lunes 4 de febrero al viernes 8 de febrero de 2019 en el orden de llegada
Interviews are by invitation Only – from Monday, February 4 until Friday, February 8, 2019 on a first come first serve basis
Fort Worth ISD will be in Puerto Rico recruiting talented and compassionate bilingual teachers dedicated to helping every student in the district succeed. We will be interviewing and hiring teachers for specific areas, particularly for high need areas such as bilingual elementary and secondary Spanish for the upcoming 2019-2020 school year.
Teaching in Fort Worth is more than a career. It’s a calling. If you believe you belong in Fort Worth, Texas answer the call today by completing our online teacher application. Join an exceptional team of teachers shaping the leaders of tomorrow. If you reside in Puerto Rico and hold a teacher certification from the Department of Education in Puerto Rico or another State, complete the online application.
Los candidatos seleccionados para el año escolar 2019-2020 compartirán un compromiso a la excelencia en el salón de clases y compartirán la creencia que una gran educación es la clave para el éxito del estudiante en cada area de su vida.
Al completar tu solicitud de empleo serás considerado para una oportunidad única de entrevistarte con un representante de nuestro equipo de trabajo durante la semana del 4 al 8 de febrero de 2019.
Successful Puerto Rico applicants for the 2019-2020 school year will share a commitment to excellence in the classroom and a belief that great teaching is the key to unlocking student success in every area of their lives.
By filling out this application, you will be considered for a unique opportunity to interview with our team during the week of February 4-8, 2019.
Fecha: Sábado, 9 de febrero del 2019
Hora: 9:00am – Registración | 10:00am a 2:30pm – Feria de empleo
Lugar: Hotel Máre St. Clair (anteriormente ESJ San Juan) _ 6165 Ave. Isla Verde, Carolina, 00979, Puerto Rico
¿Quién?: Profesionales con grado universitario en busca de nuevas oportunidades de empleo y maestros certificados.
Regístrate aquí para asistir a la Feria de Empleo.
Ya seas maestro certificado o estás interesado en un cambio de carrera, no puedes perder la oportunidad de conocer nuestro equipo de reclutadores. ¡Ven a conocer acerca de la ciudad de Fort Worth, nuestro Distrito y oportunidades empleo! Te esperamos. No faltes.
Fecha: Sábado, 9 de febrero del 2019
Hora: 9:00am – Registración | 10:00am a 2:30pm – Feria de empleo
Lugar: Hotel Máre St. Clair (anteriormente ESJ San Juan) _ 6165 Ave. Isla Verde, Carolina, 00979, Puerto Rico
¿Quién?: Profesionales con grado universitario en busca de nuevas oportunidades de empleo y maestros certificados.
Regístrate aquí para asistir a la Feria de Empleo.
Ya seas maestro certificado o estás interesado en un cambio de carrera, no puedes perder la oportunidad de conocer nuestro equipo de reclutadores. ¡Ven a conocer acerca de la ciudad de Fort Worth, nuestro Distrito y oportunidades empleo! Te esperamos. No faltes.