Can an Immigrant Start a Business in Texas?

Online - WebEx TX, United States

Sometimes we have the misconception that because we are immigrants, becoming a business owner is unattainable, but this myth can be dispelled when we discover that the opportunities exist and that it is only a matter of knowing what to do to make that dream come true. Yes, you can!

Entrepreneurial Resources that Matter

Online - WebEx TX, United States

Kara is the Project Coordinator of the Community Navigator Dallas Program for The DEC Network. The Community Navigator Dallas Program is an outreach initiative funded through the SBA designed to reduce barriers that all small businesses, including those owned by disadvantaged groups such as veterans, women, and communities of color, often face in accessing critical support for small businesses in the North Texas Ecosystem. The program equips your small business with the resources, connections, and opportunities it needs to succeed for free!


Online - WebEx TX, United States

Whether you’re a student, a professional, or simply someone interested in the latest developments in science and technology, this event is not to be missed. It promises to be an exciting and informative experience that will inspire and empower you to pursue your STEM interests. Middle and high school students participating in the STEM competition will be eligible to win one of ten $1,000 scholarships. You'll definitely won't want to miss this!

SER STEM Challenge Deadline

Online - WebEx TX, United States

After conducting the challenge, following the rules, capturing your findings/observations, and submitting a successful entry, the judges will evaluate your submission. You can win a laptop/tablet and one of ten (10) $1,000 scholarships if you score in the Top 5 for Middle School or the Top 5 for the High School age group.


• Only 6-12 grade students (girls and boys) are eligible to participate
• The project must be done by yourself, independently (no team or class submissions)
• Access Super Egg Challenge PDF at
• Use materials found at home from the list
• Submit the completed project via Google Forms link:
You have to fill out the form and upload a video and a typed document
o Using a Word document, word pad, or notebook paper, describe outcomes and draw observations and upload the file
o Upload as a short (up to 20 seconds) video
• Deadline: Sunday, May 21 at 1:00 p.m. Central Time

Due to the number of students participating, SER Staff cannot address any questions. Please do your best and submit your project for the judges to review.

Good Luck!

Balloon Masterclass with Karina Cruz

SER National 100 E Royal Ln., #130, Irving, TX, United States

Get ready to embark on a creative journey like no other as we present the Balloon Masterclass with the incomparable Karina Cruz, the visionary owner of K's Balloons Inspirations. This program is in-person so remember to RSVP as soon as possible!

Feria de Texas con Mujeres con Alas y Mamá Contemporánea

State Fair of Texas

¡VAMOS A LA FERIA de TEXAS! Mujeres con Alas Hispanic Chamber of Commerce y Mamá Contemporánea by Rory Lassanske te invitan este 5 de Octubre al State Fair of Texas.

Tomas el DART más cercano de tu casa para encontramos en la estación de Deep Ellum a las 10am. De allí nos vamos hasta el Fair Park Station.

Con el resto del grupo nos reunimos en la entrada Fair Park a las 10:35am. Nos quedamos en la feria hasta las 3:30pm #StateFairofTXconAlas

Lleven su franela de la Cámara de Comercio. Esta actividad es exclusiva para Mujeres con Alas.

Vamos aprovechar para crear contenido y divertirnos, comer rico, tomar fotos y conocer una de las tradiciones que más aman los texanos, el State Fair of Texas.

¡Recrearse es importante, no todo puede ser trabajar! A VOLAR ALTO

El secreto del latino exitoso con Miguel Martin

Online - WebEx TX, United States

Celebrando el mes de la Herencia Hispana, La organización SER MUJER y Mujeres con Alas, Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, traen una serie de webinars GRATUITOS todos los jueves del mes de Octubre. Iniciamos el jueves 5 de Octubre con el tema: “El secreto del latino exitoso”. Miguel Martin te dará las herramientas necesarias para transformarte en un líder en tu sector y lograr el éxito de manera asertiva en tu negocio. Durante una hora, conocerás el paso a paso que te ayudará a convertirte en un profesional de altura. Miguel Martin es autor, conferencista y CEO de Miguel Martin Education Center (MMEC) ha desarrollado su trayectoria profesional en Dallas, Fort worth, por sus constantes iniciativas educativas en el sector del emprendimiento y liderazgo.
¡No te pierdas esta OPORTUNIDAD GRATUITA! de aprender con expertos en el área y hacer un networking estratégico para que expandas tu red de negocios con empresarios como tú!

REGÍSTRATE GRATIS AQUÍ:!event/2023/10/5/el-secreto-del-latino-exitoso

Día: jueves 5 de Octubre

Hora: 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Online: Zoom

Inversión: GRATIS

Mujeres con Alas Ribbon Cutting: Adry’s Hair Style

Ardy's Hair Style 5103 Magna Carta Blvd #150, Grand Prairie, United States

¡Acompáñanos al Ribbon Cutting de nuestra mujer con alas Adry Mercado!.

Celebremos juntos la apertura de su negocio y A VOLAR ALTO.

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