SER Jobs for Progress National, Inc. (SER National) proudly joins the nation in recognizing and celebrating June as National Pride Month. Throughout history, their members have played an integral role in shaping America in all walks of life. We must acknowledge and appreciate their remarkable contributions.

“Our country is stronger, more vibrant economically, and a better society because we celebrate who we are, individually and collectively,” says SER National President & CEO Ignacio Salazar. “At SER National and throughout the SER Network of Affiliates (La Familia de SER), we value their skills, talents, and experiences. Our commitment to inclusivity is unwavering as we strive to do more to ensure their inclusion and make them feel welcome in all aspects of society. They are an important component to the power of our people.”

Pride Month traces its roots back to the historic Stonewall Riots, which took place over six days starting on June 28, 1969, in Greenwich Village, New York. Led by trailblazers like Marsha P. Johnson, a black, trans, bisexual woman, and Brenda Howard, known as the ‘Mother of Pride.’ The community fought for their rights and demanded a safe space to gather and build a supportive community. Their activism and resilience ignited a movement that continues to inspire us today.

We also recognize the pivotal role of past U.S. presidents in supporting their rights and officially recognizing Pride Month. President Bill Clinton first acknowledged Pride Month in 1999, and President Barack Obama declared June as Pride Month throughout his presidency from 2009. In 2019, President Donald Trump tweeted about launching a campaign to decriminalize homosexuality worldwide.

Every American has a role to play in celebrating Pride Month. Community festivals, parades, and special events are held nationwide to inform, raise awareness, and foster support for America’s vital progress toward inclusivity, respect, and dignity for all individuals.

“Pride Month is also about speaking out against hate and intolerance,” adds Salazar. “Our country’s future workforce must reflect the diversity and strength of our entire society. As Harvey Milk envisioned when he designed the iconic rainbow flag, our nation thrives when everyone can add their unique identity, contributing to a beautiful unfurling of our full potential. Let us embrace the optimism and excitement for our future as a nation celebrating the diversity that defines us.”

SER National promotes equality, respect, and inclusivity for all individuals, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. Together, we can continue to build a society that values diversity and creates opportunities for everyone to thrive.