by Web Admin | Dec 22, 2017 | RFP/RFQ
100 E. Royal Lane, Suite 130, Irving, TX 75039
PHONE: 469-549-3600
FAX: 469-549-3685
Project: |
Writing Services |
Deadline for Responses: |
No later than 2pm (CST), January 5, 2018 |
Special Instructions: |
Quotes must be received prior to the deadline via mail, courier, fax or email.
Project Description: |
The purpose of this Request for Quote (RFQ) is to select a suitable contractor for the writing services that will be included in the SER America Magazine, SER Annual Report, web site and Op-eds as needed. The successful bidder (individual or entities) for the provision of Writing Services including analytical writing, report writing, letters, and feature story writing.
Project Specifications: |
The contract negotiated as a result of this solicitation may commence September 2017 and end June 2018. There is also an option to renew for three one-year terms. Vendor must be prepared to begin after notification of award date of contract. SER-Jobs for Progress National Inc., is a tax-exempt, non-profit organization and is totally funded under grant monies. SER National may cancel the contract at any time and for any reason with a 30-day notice.
Proposal Submission Deadline: |
Written proposals are due by mail or email no later than 2 pm (CDT) on Friday, January 5, 2018.
Please submit proposals to Roland R. Ramirez, SER-Jobs for Progress National, Inc., 100 E. Royal Lane, Suite 130, Irving, Texas 75039 or
by Web Admin | Dec 19, 2017 | Affiliate News
LaAmistad is a community supported non-profit organization that works to empower Latino students and families to achieve their ultimate potential. LaAmistad provides a comprehensive programming structure that incorporates after-school tutoring, parent workshops, English language courses as well as educational summer enhancement programs. Founded in 2001, this award winning organization has helped 100% of students to meet or exceed the state reading standards and 93% to meet or exceed the state math standards.
LaAmistad provides a volunteer-led afterschool program that encompasses tutoring and mentoring. We work to improve the academic performance and individual educational needs of each child. Educational support is also supplemented by summer enrichment programs and opportunities that provide students with career, cultural and life experiences. LaAmistad also offers counseling and family support services to students and families.
LaAmistad deems parent education just as important as student education. Parents must be equally committed to their student’s education and must pledge to ensure their student graduates from high school. Our ongoing parent workshops provide parents with the tools and skills necessary to help their student achieve success both at home and at school. LaAmistad’s 12-week English for Successful Living program offers adult opportunities to learn English. Parents of LaAmistad are also invited to participate in civic engagement opportunities that allow them to establish support groups and a strong community network.
by Web Admin | Dec 19, 2017 | Affiliate News
The Latino Education Fund (LEF) is a 501c3 nonprofit organization providing scholarship opportunities, educational outreach, career development services, financial literacy and policy development to college bound Latino students.
[four_fifth]Heberto M. Sanchez, founded LEF to create a much-needed resource to the Latino students and young adults by providing information on college preparedness, career development and financial awareness. LEF’s mission is to prepare young people with the resources necessary for advance education and financial knowledge to strive for a better life. The overall goal of the organization is to improve the well-being of people through education. LEF is dedicated to improving the well-being of young Latinos by providing a wide spectrum of quality services in Spanish/English.[/four_fifth][one_fifth_last]
Latinos are America’s largest racial/ethnic minority and the fastest-growing demographic of the young work force. There are more than 50 million Latinos living in the United States according to the 2010 Unites States Census Bureau. Between 2000 and 2010, the Bureau reported that the Latino population grew by 43%, which was four times the growth in the total population at 10%.In addition to the increase in the Latino population there has been an increase of Latinos that are college bound and although the proportion of Latinos over 25 who hold at least a bachelor’s degree rose from 11.1 percent in 2001 to 14.1 percent in 2011, Latinos still have the lowest high school and college completion rates of any racial or ethnic group.
With the current global market expanding every day, the U.S. faces stiff global competition from emerging countries that are educating their workforce to contribute to innovations in technically and business. Degrees in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) will continue to be necessary to help address the huge shortage of skilled labor in major employment sectors such as Oil and Gas. In order to compete in this expanding global market we must break the cycle of under-educated Latinos.
As the fastest growing segment of the U.S. minority population, Latinos will be a more integrated part of the American workforce. Supporting organizations like LEF assists in providing Latinos to resources to seek and finish higher education we can provide them with the access to economic equitability and thus produce a sizeable increase in tax revenues, including much-needed support for Social Security and Medicare.
In order to achieve this growth, LEF’s goal is to increase the number of Latinos entering and completed college degrees so these students may themselves one day be entrepreneurs and create needed jobs. By assisting students and young adults in identify career paths, LEF hopes this will assist them in furthering their education in college as the interest in future employment may be a positive motivation. Also it would allow students and young adults to learn more about the fields of study that they are interested in majoring.
by Web Admin | Dec 12, 2017 | Affiliate News
PODER (People Organized in Defense of Earth and Her Resources) was formed to increase Austin’s residents’ participation in corporate and government decisions related to economic development, environmental hazards and the impact on our neighborhoods. Our mission is redefining environmental issues as social and economic justice issues, and collectively setting our own agenda to address these concerns as basic human rights. We seek to empower our communities through education, advocacy and action. Our aim is to increase the participation of communities of color in corporate and government decision making related to toxic pollution, economic development and their impact on our neighborhoods.
Transportation and Quality of Life Program – The purpose of the program is to advance the understanding and involvement of local communities of color in the transportation planning and decision-making process. As part of the program, PODER works with community groups to identify the transportation needs of their community and to identify specific steps, which may be taken to ensure that these needs are met. PODER also works to promote policies, which promote neighborhood transportation safety and improved mobility for all segments of the populations.
Land Use Community Health Action (LUCHA) – Through this program, PODER works to raise awareness about the environmental and public health impacts associated with industries located and seeking to locate in East Austin. In order to address the root cause of the problems associated with industrial development in East Austin, PODER also works to establish land use policies that will encourage sustainable development in East Austin.

Box Gardens
In search for community sustainability, PODER is empowering community members with Box Garden Demonstrations. Box Gardens are simple, unique and versatile system that adapt to all levels of experience, physical ability, and geographic location. Residents will have the option to fill their box garden with beautiful/medicinal flowers, herbs and/or luscious vegetables.
Visit their website to learn more!
by Web Admin | Dec 12, 2017 | Affiliate News
Centro Latino de San Francisco (CLSF) is a 501(c) non-profit and community-based organization owned and operated by the Latino Community, primarily serving the elderly, and adults with disabilities. Incorporated in 1986 and located in the heart of the Mission District of San Francisco, CLSF has served the community for over 40 years!

Services we currently provide include:
- On-site and home delivered meals serving freshly prepared nutritious meals
- ESL (English as a Second Language Classes), Citizenship Classes and Preparation for legal permanent residents.
- Free computer classes for seniors and adults with disabilities
- Health care advocacy for uninsured participants.
- Volunteer recruitment, training and skills development
- Information, referrals, and individualized assistance in gaining access to essential government benefits and other available public/private sector services
- Group van transportation services for frail and physically challenged individuals
- Recreational and educational activities
- Cultural celebrations

Nutrition Programs:
CLSF has both Congregate Meal and Home Delivery Meal programs. Lunches are offered Monday through Friday at our Center, and at two additional congregate meal sites in the Mission District. Hot meals can be delivered Monday through Friday with an additional chilled meal provided for the weekend. All meals served are nutritious, delicious and very popular! They are freshly prepared in-house by expert culinary staff, some of whom have been with the organization since its incorporation.
ESL/Citizenship Program:
Since the establishment of the State of California’s first amnesty program in 1995, CLSF has provided a naturalization program for legal permanent residents applying for U.S. Citizenship. Today, Centro Latino’s comprehensive ESL/Citizenship Programoffers USCIS N-400 Application preparation and submission assistance, as well as ESL/Citizenship classes that help applicants prepare for their USCIS Citizenship interview and examination.
Supportive Services:
Staff social workers offer supportive services for seniors and people with disabilities, including:
- Health care advocacy
- Subsidized housing application assistance
- Individualized assistance in gaining access to essential government benefits
Group Van Service:
CLSF operates a paratransit program, which consists of group van service for eligible individuals to nutrition program sites for hot lunches, and to low-cost supermarkets and farmers markets for grocery shopping on a regularly scheduled basis.
Socialization Programs:
Socialization Programs offered at CLSF include an Adult Choir, Computer Literacy Skills Development Classes, Arts & Crafts Club, and Exercise Classes. Find class information and schedules here.
Visit their website to learn more!