by Web Admin | Jun 21, 2018 | Affiliate News
Centro Latino de San Francisco (CLSF) is a 501(c) non-profit and community-based organization owned and operated by the Latino Community, primarily serving the elderly, and adults with disabilities. Incorporated in 1986 and located in the heart of the Mission District of San Francisco, CLSF has served the community for over 40 years!
Programs Spotlight!
Centro Latino provides numerous life sustaining and enrichment programs and services for members of our local community.
Nutrition Programs
CLSF has both Congregate Meal and Home Delivery Meal programs. Lunches are offered
Monday through Friday at our Center, and at three additional congregate meal sites in the Mission District. Hot meals can be delivered Monday through Friday with an additional chilled meal provided for the weekend. All meals served are nutritious, delicious and very popular! They are freshly prepared in-house by expert culinary staff, some of whom have been with the organization since its incorporation.
Supportive Services
Since the establishment of the State of California’s first amnesty program in 1995, CLSF has provided a naturalization program for legal permanent residents applying for U.S. Citizenship. Today, Centro Latino’s comprehensive ESL/Citizenship Program offers USCIS N-400 Application preparation and submission assistance, as well as ESL/Citizenship classes that help applicants prepare for their USCIS Citizenship interview and examination.
ESL/Citizenship Program
Staff social workers offer supportive services for seniors and people
with disabilities, including:
• Health care advocacy
• Subsidized housing application assistance
• Individualized assistance in gaining access to essential government benefits
Group Van Service
CLSF operates a paratransit program, which consists of group van service for eligible individuals to nutrition program sites for hot lunches, and to low-cost supermarkets and farmers markets for grocery shopping on a regularly scheduled basis.
Socialization Programs
Socialization Programs offered at CLSF include an Adult Choir, Computer Literacy Skills Development Classes, Arts & Crafts Club, and Exercise Classes.
by Web Admin | Jun 21, 2018 | Affiliate News
The American GI Forum Education Foundation was established for the specific purpose of increasing the financial resources available to needy and qualified students pursuing a higher education. Over the last 40 years, the American GI Forum Eduction Foundation has allocated over $400,000 to deserving students of the Santa Maria Valley. The primary goal of the Education Foundation is to increase the number of scholarships granted yearly.
The American GI Forum Education Foundation also obtains funds that are used to assist veterans and their families experiencing various physical, emotional, or financial hardships.”
We invite your participation in this endeavor. All contributions are tax-deductible and will be accepted on behalf of the American GI Forum Education Foundation of Santa Maria.

Guadalupe Espinoza-Romero
California State University Fullerton
Major: Linguistics and Spanish
Minor: Teaching English as a Second Language
“I would like to thank the GI Forum for supporting me in my education. This scholarship facilitated my move from Santa Maria to Fullerton. I would like to especially thank Helen and Willie Glavan for their support. I am currently completing my 3rd semester at CSUF, and I plan to graduate spring of 2019. After completing my undergrad, I plan to enroll in a single subject teaching credential program and hopefully come back to teach at Santa Maria High School.”

Lizbeth Piñon Sosa
San Jose State University
Major: Justice Studies
Emphasis: Criminology
“It has been a pleasure to be a recipient of the GI Forum Scholarship. This scholarship has helped me greatly in furthering my education and transferring to San Jose State. I was able to pay for my books as well as rent. Without this opportunity I would not have been able to afford my textbooks nor be able to pursue my goal. I will soon finish my first year at San Jose State as a Justice studies major with an emphasis in criminology. I look forward to continuing my education and being closer to reaching my goal of becoming a Crime Scene Investigator. I truly appreciate the opportunity I was given due to the generosity of the donors.”
by Web Admin | Jun 7, 2018 | News & Updates, Press Release, RFP/RFQ
SER-Jobs for Progress National, Inc. (SER National), a 501c3 national non-profit employment & training organization is releasing this Request for Proposals
for the 2019 SER National Annual Conference.
All proposals should be submitted via email by 5:00 pm on Thursday, June 21, 2018 to
Download 2019 Annual Conference RFP HERE