SER National Pays Tribute to Rolando Esparza, former SER President, upon his passing

SER National Pays Tribute to Rolando Esparza, former SER President, upon his passing


Nation’s Service-Employment-Redevelopment Network Honors Community Trailblazer, Visionary, and Lifelong Advocate

Irving, TX – SER National today issued the following statement on the passing of a beloved, respected friend and community champion, Rolando Esparza.

He was born in San Antonio, TX, on May 22, 1940, to Miquel and Virtudes Esparza. He received a BA in Economics at the University of Texas, Austin, and then began a 5-year career in the Air Force. Esparza served in the Vietnam War and earned the rank of Captain before being honorably discharged in 1969. Once Esparza returned to San Antonio, he worked as a stockbroker and financial advisor. He then became the director for SER Jobs for Progress and moved up to SER National and earned the title of Congressional Liason in Washington D.C. After his departure from SER National, he served as a presidential appointee at the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.

Rolando leaves in God’s loving care his devoted wife, Jane Jackson Esparza; an older brother, Mike Esparza; his children, Cynthia Crockett (Mark) and Roland Gabriel Esparza (Susan), from a previous marriage to Alma Morales Riojas; his grandchildren, Zachary Crockett (Chelsea), Nicolas Crockett, Liliana Esparza, Shelley Stevenson and Emily Stevenson; two great-grandchildren, Charlotte, and Lucas Crockett; and five great-nieces and nephews

SER National Commemorates MLK Day

SER National Commemorates MLK Day

Nation’s Service-Employment-Redevelopment Network Says Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Embodied The Hope of Our Nation’s Better Nature for All

SER National today issued the following statement in observance of what would have been Reverend King’s 93rd birthday. He was 39 years old when he died in Memphis, Tennessee, the target of an assassination on April 4, 1968. The Baptist minister and civil rights leader devoted his life to challenging the country into fulfilling its promise of equality to include people of color in America. Also, he championed the right to vote for all lawful citizens, desegregation of both public and private spaces, and fair labor practices without regard to race or ethnicity. Today, more than a half-century since his passing, his message remains as timely as when his words were first spoken.

“Our harkening and heed to Dr. King’s prophetic vision of us as individual Americans and collectively as a nation has never been more urgent,” says Ignacio Salazar, SER National Chief Executive Officer. “He foresaw the promise fulfilled of our greatness which was possible upon crossing the modern river Jordan of inequities and injustice in America. Yet, he also understood our human flaws and frailties that lay in our path towards progress. As a clergyman, his calling was to be the activist who ignited social justice transformation, even at personal risk and sacrifice. This was the price he accepted and eventually paid.

Today, we are called to be servant leaders in the footsteps of Dr. King in our daily endeavors of work, or as neighbors in our communities, and fellow believers in our groups of faith. This day is a moment of reflection, reminding us that peaceful questioning and non-violent acts with positive change in mind are both our right and our duty. The same can be said of the millions who quietly conduct their lives as parents, spouses, professionals, and trades workers alike without any fanfare or recognition. These are the men and women about whom Dr. King said the content of their character matters most.

At the King Center located in Atlanta, Georgia, one of the cornerstone principles shared from Dr. King’s teachings is Moral Suasion.  During the civil rights movement, our nation witnessed this powerful truth of actions that appeal to the moral beliefs of an adversary or the public to convince the adversary to change behavior or attitudes. May we each learn and use moral suasion every day in our lives to triumph over adversity and be an active contributor in moving America towards our better nature. Doing so is the highest honor and greatest tribute we pay the memory of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.”

SER National Says the Spirit of Vicente Fernandez Lives on in Millions of U.S. Workers

SER National Says the Spirit of Vicente Fernandez Lives on in Millions of U.S. Workers


Nation’s Service-Employment-Redevelopment Network Celebrates His Legacy of Labor, Sacrifice, and Perseverance Still Found In America’s Essential Working Men and Women

Irving, TX – Ignacio Salazar, SER National Chief Executive Officer, issued the following statement in the wake of the death of Vicente Fernandez, one of Mexico’s most prolific and enduring musical forces. His career spanned more than six decades, 65-million records, and 35 movies. Word of Fernandez’ passing Sunday morning reverberated worldwide, igniting an outpouring of love for the mariachi charro known simply as Chente to millions of his fans. Fernandez first came to the United States as a young immigrant performer, penniless and unknown. Over the next half-century, he rose to become one of the most beloved composer-singers of Mexican rancheras. His music of working immigrants emblazoned him forever in the hearts of generations of homesick men and women toiling daily for the American dream while longing for the home they left behind.

“SER NATIONAL honors the spirit of Vicente Fernandez because it is in the soul of millions of hard-working men and women throughout our land and Puerto Rico who sweat and toil every day to keep our economies going. We are proud to be one of the nation’s most expansive affiliate-networks of service, employment, and redevelopment resources. Our programs see the fruits of that work ethic in millions of our essential workers eager and willing to improve their skills and abilities to sustain their families and themselves. Chente embodied that energy and will to achieve, even in the face of loss, pain, and disappointment, always enduring and pressing on. These values endeared him to so many who ardently sang his songs even while confronting their worst moments. He exemplified the strength of the immigrant spirit and that of every essential worker we are privileged to help train and witness as they achieve their full potential.

Every day across our great nation, we reach thousands of people encouraging their progress as Chente did. We help students who dream of attaining their high school equivalency diploma as their gateway to a better life. We identify and invite seniors and mid-career men and women to acquire new skills to open other career paths. We are touching farmworkers with training and jobs programs to bring them and their families out of the fields into more professions and trades. Vicente Fernandez often sang that it isn’t always about arriving first; it’s about knowing how to arrive. This resilience is the enduring truth he instilled in others that will live on for generations, and SER National is dedicated to making that promise a reality for years to come.”

SER National Gives Thanks for America’s Bounty and Blessings

SER National Gives Thanks for America’s Bounty and Blessings


Nation’s Service-Employment-Redevelopment Network Invites Us To Express Gratitude For Those Who Have Helped Us Endure

Irving, TX – Ignacio Salazar, SER National Chief Executive Officer, issued the following statement as we gather with loved ones to celebrate Thanksgiving Day, each in our way and place but all with a deep sense of heartfelt gratitude at this time.

“It was this time last year that our nation faced one of its most significant tests in our lifetimes as the pandemic raged and tens of thousands of people filled hospital beds as uncertainty loomed before us. Those were difficult days when celebrating Thanksgiving meant young and old gathering and perhaps endangering the well-being of family members and close friends. So many of us decided to forego the special celebration, and instead, we shared the day virtually or reflected and prayed in our personal private space.

Now, twelve months later, much has changed, and we have the opportunity to come together again. This Thanksgiving Day, we can say thank you for all that has happened to transform the darkness of our fears into the bright dawn of hope for our nation and the world. Irrespective of our spiritual walk and faith, we can as kindred spirits acknowledge each other, even if still from behind a mask or a safe social distance. We are here, alive, which is in itself the most remarkable single gift. Now, we can use each day more intentionally to make our world better, more loving, and considerate.

Also, we can express our gratitude to the doctors, nurses, and every single health care provider for being the guardians who ventured out every day to care for us and did everything they could for those they could not save. We can thank the first responders who faithfully reported to their police or fire stations and patrolled or stood watch to keep us safe from harm as we remained behind closed doors. And yes, we can say a heartfelt thank you to the millions of farmworkers, meatpackers, warehouse crews, truckers, grocery store stockers, and cashiers who made sure America was nourished.

Yes, we are a bountiful nation made stronger by the confluence of our gifts, skills, and experiences. We are also abundantly blessed because our founders foresaw times of trials and tribulation and created the framework for us to endure and prevail. The most significant expression of our gratitude is to protect that which unites us across our great land. May we on this Thanksgiving Day rededicate ourselves to America’s promise for future generations of all cultures and the assurance of freedom and liberty for all.”

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About SER Jobs for Progress National, Inc. – “Cultivating America’s Greatest Resource: People”

The SER Network of Affiliates serves over 1,000,000 people annually. SER has locations throughout the country, in more than 24 states and 200 sites. The SER Network provides a variety of comprehensive programs, including housing, youth services, GED classes, English language acquisition, early childhood education, older Americans training, women entrepreneurship, Science-Technology-Engineering-Math (STEM), assistance for military Veterans, operations of workforce centers nationally, plus assisting and placing thousands of qualified men and women in unsubsidized employment.

SER National Pays Tribute to Luis Roberto Vera

SER National Pays Tribute to Luis Roberto Vera


Nation’s Service-Employment-Redevelopment Network Honors His Lifetime of Championing America’s Constitutional Guarantees for Millions of Latinos

Ignacio Salazar, SER National Chief Executive Officer, issued the following statement upon the passing of Luis Roberto Vera, Jr., National General Counsel for the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC). On Sunday, the respected civil rights leader died at his home in San Antonio, Texas, after a long illness. He was 65.

Vera blazed a historic path throughout his nearly 30-year legal career. He created social justice coalitions that catapulted state and federal lawsuits on behalf of Latinos into the national headlines. These legal actions ranged from education, voting rights, housing, and sanctuary cities to redistricting and immigration policies. He grew up and remained in San Antonio, Texas, where he served the Latino community. Vera earned his undergraduate and a graduate degree in political science from St. Mary’s University and a law degree from the Western New England University School of Law.

“SER NATIONAL and Latinos across our country and Puerto Rico have lost a great voice and defender of our freedoms, privileges, and rights assured to every man, woman, and child. His life was an example of accepting our duties and responsibilities on behalf of those who cannot defend themselves. Luis showed a passionate conviction for upholding the spirit and the letter of the law. He fought with relentless devotion to his community, especially immigrants fleeing inhumane conditions in the countries where they lived. Luis worked tirelessly on behalf of those who arrived at our borders, believing America is still a place that welcomes the tired, poor, huddled masses yearning to breathe free.

Several of his cases reached the United States Supreme Court, an affirmation that the young lawyer from the working-class neighborhoods of Texas was impacting the very foundation of our nation’s legal framework. Although reluctant to be in the spotlight, he accepted two very distinct honors to recognize his lifetime of service to the Latino community. He received the 2017 Ohtli Award, one of the highest honors bestowed by the Mexican Government upon a Latino leader. Also, he was awarded the Presidential Medal in 2019 by the League of United Latin American Citizens. His most recent actions centered on challenging changes in election laws passed by the Republican-led Texas legislature and signed by Governor Greg Abbott. Vera continued working daily on these cases up until very recently. We shall miss his passion, selflessness, and devotion to service to others. To his wife Rose and the Vera family, we send our deepest and heartfelt condolences. May Luis rest in peace.”

SER National Stands and Salutes America’s Military Veterans

SER National Stands and Salutes America’s Military Veterans

Nation’s Service-Employment-Redevelopment Network Is Grateful for Their Service and Sacrifice to Protect Our Country’s Freedoms  

Irving, TX – SER NATIONAL is observing Veterans Day with a call to all Americans to pause and thank the nation’s brave servicemen and women who have served in our country’s armed forces. We offer a simple, heartfelt thank you and the promise we will always honor their courage and spirit.

“SER NATIONAL marks this day with a deep sense of respect for its significance,” says Ignacio Salazar, President and CEO. “Think about the many veterans that served in World War II and the Korean conflict. Add to that those who fought in Vietnam, Desert Storm, Iraq, and Afghanistan, to name the larger declared wars. America is thankful for these servicemembers because many are still paying the price for their service to our country. We now have to honor our promise made to veterans and their families,” adds Salazar.

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs estimates 19 million veterans live in the United States, representing fewer than 1-in-10 of all Americans. The trend showed a decline of veterans to civilians from 18% in 1980 to 7% in 2018. While the overall number may be smaller, 78% of all veterans served during wartime and 22% during peacetime. The diversity of veterans will change, with Latinos projected to nearly double in the next quarter-century.

As importantly, Veterans Day is an opportunity to see how former service members are faring in our communities and how we can help. The latest data reflect that younger veterans are more successful at gaining employment in the civilian sector than older veterans, who may be suffering from multiple barriers to obtain employment. This reality adds another factor to why the homeless veteran’s population grows, with 1.4 million at risk of being without shelter across our nation.

“SER National recognizes we have a duty to train, hire and do business with veteran-owned firms wherever possible,” says Salazar. “We have 57-years’ experience in workforce training and development, and that includes veterans who are seeking to further their skills so they can pursue their education, earn certification in a new trade or profession, and many want to go into business. Each of us can undertake the task of seeking ways to make veterans feel welcome and help them reintegrate into their civilian lives once again. It is our privilege and our responsibility to make every day the right time to honor our veterans through action,” adds Salazar.

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About SER Jobs for Progress National, Inc. – “Cultivating America’s Greatest Resource: People”

The SER Network of Affiliates serves over 1,000,000 people annually. SER sites operate throughout the country, in 24 states and 200 locations. The SER Network provides a variety of comprehensive programs, including housing, youth services, GED classes, English language acquisition, early childhood education, older Americans training, women entrepreneurship, Science-Technology-Engineering-Math (STEM), assistance for military Veterans, operations of workforce centers nationally, plus assisting and placing thousands of qualified men and women in unsubsidized employment.