by Web Admin | May 23, 2017 | News & Updates
Carmen Lujan (Rep. Ben Ray’s mother) and her son Jerome present the 2017 Ben Lujan Memorial Scholarship to Jason Quintana at the Pojoaque Senior Awards Ceremony.
Jason Quintana is a student intern who participated in the Vamos Verde project last summer at Bandelier National Monument. Vamos Verde was a new initiative between the National Park Service, SER National, LULAC, The Hispanic Federation and Aspira and was implemented in New York City, Albuquerque and Bandelier.
Jason will be enrolling at New Mexico State University in the fall in their Agriculture program.
Congratulations Jason and thank you to AT&T and the National Park Service for your involvement in having a positive effect on our youth in New Mexico.
by Web Admin | May 19, 2017 | News & Updates, RFP/RFQ
For the Ricoh Aficio MP 301SPF models, do you have them on desktops or with stands or a combination?
Our current MP 301SPF units in our remote offices are primarily on desktops.
Can you please elaborate on the monitoring of the units for repairs?
SER desires to be able to centrally manage the administration of the units for repairs, manage usage, and ordering supplies.
What is the monthly volume on each of the units?
- Ricoh MP C4503 / B&W, Color
- Ricoh MP C2551 / B&W, Color
- Ricoh MP 301SPF / B&W
SER’s two current C4503 models average 30,000 B&W pages and 3,000 Color pages per month
SER’s current C2551 models at the Headquarters office average 800 B&W pages and 800 Color pages per month.
SER’s 301SPF models that are used and HQ and in remote offices range from 98 to 2500 pages per month.
On the high volume multifunction devices, can you please elaborate on the monitoring you need with Job Accounting?
We would like to track the specific usage amongst the separate departments.
The 19 desktop units, Ricoh MP301SPF replacements typically do not have internal finishers and you are requesting all units have finishers. Can you please elaborate?
Finishers would be required for the high volume devices as we have certain printing requirements for booklets and pamphlets.
For the 19 desktop units, how many paper trays are you requesting?
The desktop units will only require one tray.
The bid is requesting all units must be from the same manufacturer and operate in a similar manner. If a company carries different manufacturers, can we offer an equal?
In the bid you are requesting all devices at 30 ppm and high be able to print up to 110 lb index in 8.5 x 11, 8.5 x 14 and 11 x 17 stock. Typically, desktop units print up to 8.5 x 14 and 24 lb bond. What documents are you currently printing on your desktop units?
Desktop units will not require higher bond paper. The high volume units are requested to be able to print up to 110 lb bond.
Are the number of printers requested in the RFP 21 or 22?
Are there any badging in any of your office locations?
There is badging for staff at the Headquarters office. It is managed by the leasing management of the office building where SER resides.
Are you requesting automatic shipping of ink/toner?
Please explain the reason for the MPS RFP. Ricoh has been the previous vendor for your managed print services.
As an agency that receives Federal funds, SER is required to periodically procure services via a competitive bidding process.
by Web Admin | May 19, 2017 | News & Updates, SER National Affiliates
Today, Nory Angel of SER Jobs for Progress Houston, announced that construction on the new Workforce Opportunity Center has begun!! We all can’t wait for its completion . When completed, the Center will serve to provide the education and resources needed to positively impact the lives of many.

by Web Admin | May 15, 2017 | News & Updates, RFP/RFQ
The following documents contains amendments to the following RFQs distributed by SER National.
- RFQ: Computer Training Vendors
- RFQ: Customer Service Training Vendors
- RFQ: Soft Skills Training
by Web Admin | May 9, 2017 | News & Updates, RFP/RFQ
SER-Jobs for Progress National, Inc.®
Cultivating America’s Greatest Resource: People
100 East Royal Lane Suite 130 • Irving, Texas 75039
Request for Quote: Soft Skills Training
Released: May 9, 2017
Deadline for Responses: May 19, 2017 @ 4pm CST
Services for the Period of: June 5 – June 30
Inquiries and proposals should be directed to:
Keith A. Overton, CPA, CF
p: 469-549-3657 | f: 469-549-3687
Section 1 – General Information
A. Purpose of this Request for Quote (RFQ)
SER Jobs for Progress National, Inc. (SER) is contracted by the Department of Labor to operate a portion of the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP).
The purpose of this RFQ is to select approved vendors to provide quality one-day soft skills training to SCSEP participants in California, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Texas and Wisconsin.
Goods and Services solicited in this RFQ
Refer to Section I. B. Quote Specifications for a detailed listing of the requirements of the soft skills training.
B. Quote Specifications
Please address the following:
Ability to provide quality Soft Skills training to SCSEP participants with the following curriculum to include, but not limited to:
- Business Etiquette and Workplace Attire
- Time Management
- Conflict Management and Resolution
- Diversity
- Problem Solving
- Job Preparation
Services will be conducted in the location below and for the number of participants indicated in each location. The selected provider will need to coordinate with SER staff to ensure proper delivery of services. Providers may submit for all or one location and may combine locations within the state, if feasible and preapproved by SER National. SER National will cover transportation cost, where needed, for participants to attend trainings.