by Web Admin | Jan 4, 2017 | News & Updates, RFP/RFQ
The Request for Proposals for Managed Information Technology Services has been extended to February 6, 2017.
SER-Jobs for Progress National, Inc. (SER), headquartered in Irving, TX is soliciting proposals from vendors providing Managed Information Technology Services. SER, is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
by Web Admin | Jan 4, 2017 | News & Updates, RFP/RFQ
100 E. Royal Lane, Suite 130, Irving, TX 75039
PHONE: 469-549-3600
FAX: 469-549-3685
Issued: December 21, 2016 REVISED 1/3/2017 to allow one additional week for responses.
Send Responses to:
Andy Overton
Phone: 469-549-3657 | Fax: 469-549-3685
Project: Technical Assistance
Cost of Project: Less Than $24,000.00
Deadline for Responses: January 13, 2016
Special Instructions: Quotes must be received prior to the deadline via mail, courier, fax or email
Project Description
SER-Jobs for Progress National, Inc., is formally requesting quotes for identification, education, and recommendations on current and emerging grant opportunities.
Selected vendor will provide monthly (or more frequent if necessary) reports to SER with the above information. Particular emphasis will be placed on information pertaining to the area of the Older American Worker programs, as well as developments in the WIOA, Older American Act, Early Head Start, Job Corp, and SCSEP. This assistance will include an overall report/presentation to SER and our affiliates during our Annual meeting.
Project Specifications
The contract negotiated as a result of this solicitation may commence January 16, 2017 and end June 2017. Vendor must be prepared to begin after notification of award date of contract. SER-Jobs for Progress National Inc., is a tax-exempt, non-profit organization and is totally funded under grant monies. SER National may cancel the contract at any time and for any reason with a 30-day notice.
Quote Response
Bids can be mailed, faxed, emailed or delivered to:
Andy Overton
SER-Jobs for Progress National, Inc.
100 E. Royal Lane, Suite 130
Irving, Texas 75039
DEADLINE: All quotes are due on Friday January 13, 2017 by 2:00 p.m. CT
by Web Admin | Oct 25, 2016 | Press Release
SER-Jobs for Progress National, Inc. ®
“Cultivating America’s Greatest Resource: People”™
National Headquarters
For Immediate Release Contact: Roland R. Ramirez
SER-Jobs for Progress National, Inc.
Receives $250,000 Funding for SER MUJER Program from The Coca-Cola Foundation
Irving, Texas, October 25, 2016
The Coca Cola Foundation has awarded SER-Jobs for Progress National, Inc. (SER National), a $250,000 grant to support the SER MUJER women’s entrepreneurship program in Los Angeles, CA and Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX.
SER National founded in 1964 and headquartered in Irving, Texas, is a national non-profit that offers SER MUJER, a national women’s entrepreneurship program which encourages and supports aspiring women. The program provides financial literacy, entrepreneurship and business development to Hispanic women and other underserved women including veterans and military families.
The SER MUJER program training curriculum is made available online, via mobile app and through traditional workshop setting.
by Web Admin | Oct 17, 2016 | Blog, News & Updates
For Immediate Release:
Contact: Roland Ramirez – 469.549.3699
 Roger C. Rocha, Jr., Named Chairman |
 Monica L. Martinez Named Vice Chair |
Irving, Texas, October 17, 2016 – In elections held on Thursday by the Board Directors of SER-Jobs for Progress National, Inc., Roger C. Rocha was named Chairman and Monica L. Martinez was named Vice-Chair. Jose L. Cela, Secretary; Frank Casillas, Treasurer; and Joe R. Campos, Chair Emeritus, remained in their positions. SER National headquartered in Irving, Texas, is a national employment & training non-profit organization with a presence in over 200 communities across the country including Washington, DC and Puerto Rico.
Roger C. Rocha, Jr., is Owner and CEO of Rocha Primary Care, LLC, and currently serves as LULAC National President, President of LULAC Institute and HACR Board Member. He believes in giving back to the community through service, professional excellence and assisting those who wish to continue with their educational dreams. He earned his undergraduate degree in History with a minor in Political Science in 1993 and received his Master’s degree in Business Administration from Texas A&M University in Laredo, Texas in 2010.
Mr. Rocha has received numerous professional recognition awards from AT&T and personal awards from LULAC such as the Texas LULAC Man of the Year in 2000, Veterans Service Advocate, Communitarian and Advocate of Community Service recognition from PPEP, Inc., the LNESC recognition award for Service and Commitment, was recognized as a Paul Harris Fellow by the Laredo Next Generation Rotary Club, The Leadership Award for Community Service from The American GI Forum, the Young Leaders Award from the Island of Puerto Rico, Tejano Achievers Award, The Future of Texas Award by Texas State Representative Richard Pena Raymond and The U.S. State Department’s Distinguished Citizen Diplomat Recognition. Mr. Rocha was appointed to the SER National Board in 2012.
Monica L. Martinez is Senior Vice President, External Affairs, Comerica Bank. She earned her bachelor’s degree in International Business with a focus in Marketing. For her graduate work, she studied Interdisciplinary Technology with a concentration in Business Management at Eastern Michigan University. In addition, she has also earned certificates in Non-Profit Management from Duke University and Corporate Community Relations Management from Boston College and is a graduate of the SMU Management program and is certified in Diversity Management from Cornell.
Martinez actively serves on the board of the Michigan Hispanic Chamber and as Chair of the Michigan Girl Scouts Hispanic Advisory Committee. She has received a number of honors for her work. Most recently, she was honored with the Inaugural Corporate Visionary Award at the DDLM Women’s conference at Michigan State University and named as one of the Top 10 Latina Women in Corporate America by Latino Leaders Magazine. In addition, she has been named as a Latina of Influence by, acknowledged among one of the “One Tough Cookie” honorees recognizing female leaders by the Girls Scouts of Southeastern Michigan and one of the most influential Hispanics in the United State by Hispanic Business Magazine. Ms. Martinez was appointed to the SER National Board in 2010 and during the SER National Board meeting in Las Vegas last week, Ignacio Salazar, President & CEO, confirmed that Ms. Martinez is the first female Vice-Chair from corporate America since the organization was founded in 1964.
by Web Admin | May 2, 2014 | Blog, Event, News & Updates

Taken at the Annual Conference during SER’s 50th Anniversary | April 29 – May 1, 2014
Ignacio Salazar – President/CEO SER Jobs for Progress National, Inc.
Gary Kelly – Chairman of the Board/CEO Southwest Airlines
Jerry Fuentes – President AZ NM, AT&T