SER National Hosts First STEM-Focused Community Day

SER National Hosts First STEM-Focused Community Day

Former NASA Astronaut Jose M. Hernandez to address 2,000+ students

Irving, Texas, March 22, 2018 — More than 2,000 Dallas-Fort Worth area students are expected to participate in SER Jobs for Progress National, Inc.’s first Community Day at Mountain View College on Thursday, May 17, 2018.

Community Day was added as part of SER National’s STEM (Science, Tech, Engineering and Mathematics) programs and as interest in SER’s year-round Robotics Program has grown. SER’s program is a hands-on educational experience, led by engineering students and professionals. The program also enhances middle and high school students’ academic, technical and leadership skills.

Former migrant worker turned NASA astronaut and engineer Jose M. Hernandez, who decided as a high school senior that he wanted to travel into space, will be the featured keynote speaker. Fernando Rosario, President and Founder of Exeqpath, a leadership development company, also will address the students.

Community Day will follow a two-day SER Robotics & Drone Competition, held as part of SER’s Annual Conference, May 15-16 at the Crowne Plaza-Dallas, 14315 Midway Road, in Addison. This year, 350 students from six area middle and high schools are expected to compete.

Community Day will also feature a job fair, where young people will have an opportunity to apply for jobs, internships and co-ops or work-study programs. Workshops and displays from an array of corporations and the Armed Forces, including the U.S. Army, Naval Academy, Air Force, NASA, CIA, FedEx, Charter, and Comcast will also be presented.

“We believe the U.S. Army and America’s educators have a common goal and we are committed to working together to motivate, educate, train and develop today’s youth to be leaders, decision makers and citizen-contributors that achieve life-long success,” said Lieutenant Colonel James E. Zoizack, Commander for the U.S. Army Dallas Recruiting Battalion. “The Army offers great educational programs such as March2Success and the ASVAB Career Exploration programs. We have other programs that are anchored in fitness training, leadership, character development, education readiness, internships and STEM programs. These tools are ways the Army gives back to the community and the Nation we serve.”


For more information about Community Day 2018, click here.

For more information about this grant or other SER National programs, please contact Rafaela Schwan via e-mail at or by phone at (469) 549-3694, or by fax at (469) 549-3684.



About SER National – SER Jobs for Progress National, Inc. (SER National) was created in 1964 by a collaboration of the League of United Latin American Citizens and the American GI Forum. Since then, SER National has played a key role in the nation’s workforce and education service delivery systems focusing on underrepresented and underserved populations. Today, SER National annually serves over 1,200,000 individuals through its national network. SER is the Spanish verb for “to be” and an acronym for Service, Employment, and Redevelopment. SER National’s mission is to formulate, advocate, and implement initiatives that will result in the increased development and utilization of America’s human resources, with emphasis on the needs of Hispanics, in the areas of education, training, literacy, employment, affordable housing, business, and economic opportunity. SER’s vision is to enable underserved populations to fully participate in the socio-economic mainstream and achieve equal access and parity in society. To learn about SER National’s programs, please visit

Free Entrepreneurship Workshops at the 2018 Annual Conference

Free Entrepreneurship Workshops at the 2018 Annual Conference


Register now for free SER MUJER workshops at the 2018 Annual Ser National Conference! The SER MUJER program seeks to encourage and empower aspiring women entrepreneurs by providing financial literacy, entrepreneurship and business development training. The conference and training will be held May 15-16, 2018 at the Crowne Plaza Dallas in Addison, Texas. Training includes courses on business development, financial management, risk management, and tax planning, as well as networking and funding opportunities with other women entrepreneurs.


Click here to register now!

SER Mujer Registration


Click here for more information on the Annual Conference.


SER-Jobs for Progress National, Inc. Receives $250,000 Funding for SER MUJER Program from The Coca-Cola Foundation

SER-Jobs for Progress National, Inc. Receives $250,000 Funding for SER MUJER Program from The Coca-Cola Foundation


 SER-Jobs for Progress National, Inc. ®

“Cultivating America’s Greatest Resource: People”™

National Headquarters


Irving, Texas, November 8, 2017

The Coca Cola Foundation has awarded SER-Jobs for Progress National, Inc. (SER National) a $250,000 grant to support the SER MUJER women’s entrepreneurship program in Los Angeles, CA and Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX.

SER National, founded in 1964 and headquartered in Irving, Texas, is a national non-profit that offers SER MUJER, a national women’s entrepreneurship program which encourages and supports aspiring women. The program provides financial literacy, entrepreneurship and business development to Hispanic women and other underserved women including veterans and military families.

The SER MUJER program training curriculum is made available online, via mobile app and through traditional workshop setting.


SER Annual Conference

May 15-16, 2018

Crowne Plaza-Dallas

14315 Midway Road

Addison, TX 75001

Community Day

May 17, 2018

Mountain View College

4849 W. Illinois Ave.

Dallas, TX 75211

Middle & High School Robotics Competition

Middle & High School Drone Competition

SER Mujer (Entrepreneurship Training)

The 2018 SER National Annual Conference
registration form is now available! Click here to register.

To register for Community Day, click here.


Community Day will take place on May 17 from 9am – 5pm at Mountain View College.

Mountain View College: 4849 W. Illinois Ave, Dallas, TX 75211 (Please use the parking lot by the E Building)

High school students, college students and local community are invited to attend.

[full_width padding=”0 100px 0 100px”]2018 Community Day Poster[/full_width]


Interested in being a sponsor for this year’s conference?

Click here to register as a 2018 sponsor.

Click here to access our 2018 sponsorship brochure.

Click here to access our SER America Magazine ad specifications.

Keynote Speaker

The keynote speaker of the annual conference will be José M. Hernández, an American engineer and former NASA astronaut.

[one_sixth padding=”0 10px 0 10px”]jose hernandez keynote speaker[/one_sixth][five_sixth_last padding=”0 10px 0 10px”]

José M. Hernández is an American engineer and former NASA astronaut. Hernández was assigned to the crew of Space Shuttle mission STS-128. He also served as Chief of the Materials and Processes Branch of the Johnson Space Center.


 Keynote Speaker

Dr. Alicia Abella, VP of Advanced Technology Realization at AT&T Services, Inc., will be the keynote speaker at luncheon on Tuesday.

[one_sixth padding=”0 10px 0 10px”]Alicia Abella[/one_sixth][five_sixth_last padding=”0 10px 0 10px”]

Dr. Alicia Abella is Vice President of Advanced Technology Realization at AT&T Services, Inc. where she drives the overall execution of the end-to-end planning, architecture, design, development and deployment of advanced network technologies across AT&T, including Domain 2.0 AT&T Integrated Cloud, ECOMP, Network Function Virtualization (NFV), Software Define Networking (SDN), 5G, and Edge Computing. Prior to her current role, Dr. Abella spent over twenty years conducting research and leading multiple highly technical staff members.


 Keynote Speaker

Fernando Rosario will be speaking on Community Day.

[one_sixth padding=”0 10px 0 10px”]Fernando Rosario[/one_sixth][five_sixth_last padding=”0 10px 0 10px”]Mr. Fernando Rosario is the president and founder of Exeqpath, a leadership development company. Additionally, he is the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) for Raisal, a commercial lending company, and a former executive within Accenture’s Human Resources Talent Acquisition organization, managing the overall diversity recruiting efforts in North America.[/five_sixth_last]

 Community Day Speaker

Lieutenant Colonel James E. Zoizack, Dallas Army Recruiting Battalion Commander, will be the opening speaker at Community Day.

[one_sixth padding=”0 10px 0 10px”]LTC James E. Zoizack[/one_sixth][five_sixth_last padding=”0 10px 0 10px”]

LTC James Zoizack is a native of Buffalo, New York. He enlisted in the U.S. Army in 1990 and was commissioned as a Field Artillery Officer through the Army Officer Candidate School in 1999 at Fort Benning, Georgia. He is a graduate of the Command and General Staff College, the Field Artillery Captains’ Career course and the Field Artillery Officer Basic course. He holds a Masters of Arts Degree in Management and Leadership from Webster University.


Click here to see pictures from the 2017 Conference.


Latinas Will Wait 216 Years for Equal Pay at Current Rate

Latinas Will Wait 216 Years for Equal Pay at Current Rate


November 1, 2017
Contact: Jennifer Clark | 202-785-5100 |


In advance of Latinas Equal Pay Day, a new estimate shows slow progress on closing the wage gap, especially for women of color

Washington, DC—If trends over the last 30 years continue, Hispanic women will not see equal pay with White men until 2233—216 years from now—according to a new projection released by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) in advance of Latinas’ Equal Pay Day on November 2—the day symbolizing how far into the year that Latinas must work to earn what White men earned in the previous year.

In 2016, Hispanic women earned 54 cents for every dollar earned by a White man. An IWPR analysis based on new data released in September by the U.S. Census Bureau found that, at the median, Hispanic women who work full-time for an entire year still receive pay (at $31,522) low enough to qualify a family of four for food stamps.

“If left unchecked, pay inequality could harm several generations worth of families and cripple future growth of the United States economy,” said economist and IWPR President Heidi Hartmann, Ph.D.

Women’s Median Earnings as a Percent of Men’s, 1985-2016 (Full-time, Year-Round Workers) with Projections for Pay Equity, by Race/Ethnicity

IWPR has previously found that women overall will not see equal pay until 2059, but the pace of change varies significantly by race and ethnicity. The exceptionally slow pace of progress for Hispanic women, for instance, is nearly two centuries behind when White women should expect to see equal pay with White men (2056). Black women are not projected see equal pay until 2124, 107 years from now.

Census Bureau data show that, although women saw the first statistically significant narrowing of the wage gap since 2007, Hispanic women’s earnings remained virtually unchanged from the previous year. White and Asian women saw their earnings increase (by 5 and 3 percent, respectively), while Black women’s earnings declined by 1.3 percent.

IWPR’s researchers recommend a number of policy interventions to address the low wages of Hispanic women, including raising the minimum wage, fully enforcing non-discrimination laws, preventing wage theft, and improving Hispanic women’s access to good jobs, higher education, paid leave, and affordable child care.

“216 years ago, the United States was a new country inaugurating its third president. In the two centuries since, our country welcomed millions of immigrants and summoned its deep supply of innovation and imagination to tackle big, world-defining issues. Do not tell me we can’t figure out how to pay women the same as men,” Dr. Hartmann said.

The Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization that conducts and communicates research to inspire public dialogue, shape policy, and improve the lives and opportunities of women of diverse backgrounds, circumstances, and experiences.


Washington Update

Washington Update


Fed’s Harker Says Job Training Needed to Boost U.S. Economy (Reuters)

October 5, 2017

Business, governments and other organizations should stop looking at job skills training as social welfare and see it instead as a path to better jobs, higher paying wages, and faster growth, a Federal Reserve Policymaker said on Thursday.

The remarks were made at a conference on workforce development in Philadelphia. “The U.S. economy succeeds when we back programs that move people out of poverty and into stable, sustainable employment.”

Read the full article here


Latino Dropout Rate Plummets as College Enrollment Hits Record High (NBC)

October 4, 2017

In five years, the Hispanic dropout rate fell 6 percentage points — to 10 percent in 2016, from 16 percent in 2011 — among Latino students aged 18 to 24.

The drop is significant considering that Latino students make up a growing share of the nation’s students. Hispanic enrollment in kindergarten through college increased by 80 percent from 1999 to 2016, from 9.9 million to 17.9 million.

The report notes that Latinos still lag when it comes to educational attainment, particularly college completion.

Read the full article here


Trump’s Apprentice Plan Seems to Need a Mentor (New York Times)

September 28, 2017

President Trump has called for increasing the number of apprentices nationwide to 5 million from roughly 500,000 today. To do this, he wants to direct $100 million of federal job training money to the program. He also wants to relax federal standards for “registered” apprenticeships, which require a mentor, salaries that increase with experience, and minimum hours of formal instruction in both the classroom and workplace.

But research and recent experience suggest this approach could backfire. Over the last decade, Britain tried to increase the number of apprentices through a mix of public subsidies and changes that watered down the definition of apprenticeship. The result? Subway took out ads to hire “apprentice sandwich artists” who would be paid the minimum wage.

Read the full article here