By the Numbers: Hispanic Women in the Workforce

By the Numbers: Hispanic Women in the Workforce


From the U.S. Department of Labor Blog:

“Each year, the United States recognizes Sept. 15 to Oct. 15 as Hispanic Heritage Month. In recognition of Hispanic women’s significant contributions to the labor force, here are six statistics demonstrating their growing influence as drivers of economic productivity and entrepreneurs.”




hispanic women in the workforce infographic


Red Alliance Wins Robotics Championship

Red Alliance Wins Robotics Championship


SER Sunset competed this weekend at the NTX Tournament of Robots FIRST Robotics Competition – Off-season Event. The teams listed below formed the Red Alliance and they took the Championship at this weekend event. Twenty-five teams from across Texas and Oklahoma were represented. For more information you can visit    


Red Alliance

6751 – RoboFlash, Dallas – Sunset HS

3005 – Robochargers, Dallas

3310 – Black hawks Robotics, Rockwall



Ms. Tatum (Sunset Coach), received the Mentor Award.

Team 3005 mentored Sunset last year and will continue to mentor us in 2017-18. They definitely deserve a lot of credit for us being part of the Red Alliance this weekend. Next is Regionals and our goals is making to Nationals! The same goes for all of our teams.



Thank you to our Sponsors – FedEx and GM we could not do it without you.


GM - SER National
SER EHS Team Goes to DC

SER EHS Team Goes to DC


How exciting… SER EHS attended the Families Unite for Head Start Rally and Hill Day in DC.  The Pennsylvania Head Start Association organized a bus trip for families and staff across the State to travel to the U.S. Capital. They joined people from across the country to make their voices heard by participating in an Early/Head Start spirit rally on Capitol Hill which featured Head Start Ambassadors, Members of Congress, and other special guests. Following the rally, participants walked to the US House of Representatives and the US Senate to meet with Members of Congress.



They shared important information including personal stories of how Early/Head Start benefits families and children, and additional funding needs – with Congressman Beto O’Rourke



We thank them for taking time to advocate for this important cause – early childhood education!


We Stand with Puerto Rico

We Stand with Puerto Rico


Dear Friends,


It is more important now than ever, for us to call on Congress and the White House to focus seriously on ensuring that the people of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands have access to the basic necessities in the short term and to rebuilding the island in the medium and longer term. It is time for our government to act now and act strategically. As such, the National Hispanic Leadership Agenda developed a 10 point plan of action for Congress and the administration. This plan requires that both Congress and the White House work together and set aside politics in order to help people who are urgently in need. On October 1st, NHLA sent a letter to the administration and Congress, outlining the specific actions they need to take and further explaining the gravity of the situation. As President Trump visited Puerto Rico, NHLA leaders held a press call to underscore the importance of acting on these 10 points.


In this newsletter, you will find the letter addressing the 10 points, a recording of NHLA’s recent press call, and 5 key actions that will aid in relief efforts. Thanks to all of you who are are working hard for our brothers and sisters and we will continue to work to make sure they receive the relief they need, both immediately and in the months to come.


In unity,

Hector Sanchez Barba


Click here to share NHLA’s 10 Point Plan for Puerto Rico Recovery on Facebook